Folksy epic of a girl.


I study in a course that kills yet the name sounds the least like it. I dread regrets in life, thats why I always strive to do the best in things I do.
Looking too much into things is my weakest point. Misplacing things and forgetting names are my strengths.
I think I have self-discipline since I do not smoke, drink or into clubbing. A fan of chocolates, that explains the frequent failure of my diet plan. I've made a secret pact to kidnap kids home because I just cant resist them.
Lastly, I want to declare that my blog is mostly of entertainment. Sorry to disappoint, but I hardly put my emotional thoughts here. :)


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T-Shirt (Main Version) - Shontelle

Qing Yun
Shu Han
Tai Hong

April 14, 2006
New menu is out todae, i dint even noe man.. All along i tot it was next thursday, until i went work todae in the mornin seeing andrick and wanyue already there displaying the new menus.I was totally stunned, i dint prepare anything! The last time i see the notes about the new menu is when adrick brief us abt it.

New menus meaning:
New cashier
New Order Chit
New short form
New knowlege
New comments
New complaints

I was totally unprepared, even the cashier format was changed only this morning.. Intially b4 the new menus were launched out, i tot i would freak out, learn really slow, and adapt slowly.

I was surprised at myself. I dint freak out, and i adpat real quick. Everything seems so normal, so easy.. The cashier part thou many new dishes were out and the groupings of the dishes in the cashier were totally different from the past, I adpated it within 1h.

Things seem nothing much different from the past. But derrick keep tellin mi that he cant adapt.. And many a times, his face looks so stress. Hes gonna have a lot of things to adapt to i guess, when he isnt familiar with the new workin place, a new menu just suddenly pop out. Poor thing..

I guess when one has gone thru so much, they adapt things fast too? Because even if they cant, they just have to.
Finally saw rudy and able to work with him todae. He came in his sch U wif peggy, finds it kinda wierd that they r cls mates, but its always gd that u have somebody u know to be in the same class with.. Its like been so long since i last saw him, missed his tango. x)

School orientation is coming soon, new adaption again. I'm look forwarding to it, so i wont spend so much time in freaking Ramen Ten anymore!

ranted by faith @ 12:13:00 AM   0comments
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