Folksy epic of a girl.: Game of badminton


I study in a course that kills yet the name sounds the least like it. I dread regrets in life, thats why I always strive to do the best in things I do.
Looking too much into things is my weakest point. Misplacing things and forgetting names are my strengths.
I think I have self-discipline since I do not smoke, drink or into clubbing. A fan of chocolates, that explains the frequent failure of my diet plan. I've made a secret pact to kidnap kids home because I just cant resist them.
Lastly, I want to declare that my blog is mostly of entertainment. Sorry to disappoint, but I hardly put my emotional thoughts here. :)


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T-Shirt (Main Version) - Shontelle

Qing Yun
Shu Han
Tai Hong

December 28, 2006
Game of badminton
A big big thanks to melvin Lau Boon Yang for helping me to create this blog skin!
Its been like decades since I last changed it, because I couldnt find any I like and I'm really lazy to bother..

Anywaes, ysd had a real vigorous exercise of badminton game with Qing yun, Beverly, Joel and Joseph. Ya, and smith & his friend were there too, thou we dint play with them.

A serious game with Smith and Joseph.

While waiting for my turn.. That is when adidas and Nike mix.. ((:

I really have muscle aches all over my body now, and I walk like some weirdo?
oh wells, that is the result of being a pig 4too long and not exercising..
Seriously, I even lost my racket & find it quite awkward to go back to the court again.

But after some warming up, was quite comfortable of holding a racket again.
It was fun playing with those peeps, laughing at those various funny poses of us..
Flying, turning around a circle and MORE..

Learnt quite a few skills from Joseph, ya i admitted I was quite stress playing with him initially because he can play really well.

Just when we stepped out of the court, the rain immediately poured, which seems to welcome us back again from the community center.

Badminton is gr8, not only is it fun but u exercise at the same time.
So it is exercising while enjoying urself. ((:
ranted by faith @ 10:21:00 AM   0comments
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