Folksy epic of a girl.: Test of IQ and EQ


I study in a course that kills yet the name sounds the least like it. I dread regrets in life, thats why I always strive to do the best in things I do.
Looking too much into things is my weakest point. Misplacing things and forgetting names are my strengths.
I think I have self-discipline since I do not smoke, drink or into clubbing. A fan of chocolates, that explains the frequent failure of my diet plan. I've made a secret pact to kidnap kids home because I just cant resist them.
Lastly, I want to declare that my blog is mostly of entertainment. Sorry to disappoint, but I hardly put my emotional thoughts here. :)


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T-Shirt (Main Version) - Shontelle

Qing Yun
Shu Han
Tai Hong

January 07, 2007
Test of IQ and EQ
This week psychologic lecture is in intelligence, and our tutorial... simple is to complete this 2 online quizes and print out the result on tutorial class.

So what is IQ and EQ about? see the definition and get it. Seriously, u can click these 2 links and try. I'm sure u're wanna noe about urs as well?


Define: ability to recognize and label one's feelings and needs, and reconcile those needs with both one's long-term goals and the needs of other people. People with a high EIQ know how to control their emotions, and are also able to motivate themselves and mobilize their internal resources (energy, effort, etc) along with their external (social networks, empathy, etc.) to be successful in life. It's not "smarts" in the typical IQ meaning of the word.

Define: This IQ test measures several factors of intelligence, namely logical reasoning, math skills and general knowledge. It also measures your ability to classify things according to various attributes, and to see analogies and relations among concepts or things. It doesn't take into consideration verbal, social, or emotional intelligence. High IQ scores tend to predict academic success.

Results of the Emotional IQ Test
Your score = 100 Your score

What does your score mean?

Your Emotional IQ is in the average range. Essentially, you're able to recognize and deal with your own emotions and those of others in a reasonably effective manner. Since your score is in the mid-range, however, you are not taking full advantage of your potential. By learning and practicing new skills and more effective ways of dealing with people, you could increase your EIQ.

i do admit that sometimes i really cant deal with my emotions and dun even know why am i feeling this way and i can have unexplainable mood swings. so do beware of me. =X


Results of Your IQ Test


IQ Score = 118 Your score

What does your score mean?

Way to go! Your performance on the test was well above the population average. Typically, people with scores in this range perform very well academically, can relatively easily make it through university and generally achieve success in life.

Score rate for IQ and EQ:

100%- average

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